Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Athletes Report- Vol. I

The report from BigLogs:
So today, day three in this truly amazing place, started off with a non-traditional skiing activity.
Us boys in room 12 “Rodins” decided to show off to the whole team by making breakfast for some of the gang. Breakfast so far has consisted of the team trying to come up with crazy combinations of food that Matt supplies us with. This has led to some interesting creations, grilled cheese in the morning with some sketchy Swedish cheese, and chunky milk-like stuff with blueberry soup on top. But this morning was different. This morning, a revolution was started. Us men in room 12, created the best French toast ever in the history of man! Now the ingredients were compiled from all over the place. The Cinnamon was retrieved from the dinner stand, and the syrup was discovered in the store here with the help of locals. The toast was a hit, although it made all of the boys late for the team meeting.

Although this trip is all about skiing fast, it also gives us the opportunity to sample very awesome food. For example, we athletes eat at the top of this massive and trendy water tower that is just a hop, skip, and a jump away. The restaurant on top is one of the nicest restaurants many of us have ever been in. We often show up for lunch in our relaxing clothes, and dine along side of the local Swedes, who are usually there for business or something. But whatever, the food is great.

The skiing here is simply amazing. There are endless amounts of trails here. Literally, we keep finding new trails every day. Although this morning, the warm snow from yesterday froze, so the trails were very firm. Tomorrow there is a 43km race going on, so it will be very fun to watch the racers rip around.

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