Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ostersund, minus three for the evening

Almost everyone got here on time despite the east coast storms coming through. Pete and Hannah were stuck in Newark for an extra 24 hours, and Stella was in the same situation in D.C. but they should be on their way and will arrive tomorrow afternoon to some really amazing skiing! I went out with Logan, Forrest, Peter, Annie, and Marion this morning and we were all really impressed with the trail system, snow conditions, and fast skiers literally right outside our doors (the picture above is the view from all our apartments here.) The guys found a cool trail that goes straight down a huge hill with a really big roller on it.. I probably shouldn't post any pictures, but I'm going to anyway. Everyone is getting some good sleep right now, and (almost) the whole group will be out together tomorrow morning. Easy skiing on the schedule, lots of hydration, and a chance to walk around downtown Ostersund. The energy level is high here despite the exhaustion of traveling. More tomorrow, its past my bedtime too.


  1. Lycka Til! Best of luck in Ostersund! It is a really fun place to train and race, and great idea staying at Camp Sodergren! That's where our team stays before the biathlon World Cup every year. I highly recommend getting "fika" - coffee and cake - in one of the downtown bakeries. Everything is good. Have a great trip!
    Haley Johnson, US Biathlon

  2. Wow! Amazing Cross Country Skiing shots! What fun! Enjoy your time in Sweden!
    Thanks! Niles Woods
