Friday, January 28, 2011

Update #2- Everyone is here!

We finally got our last stranded traveler tonight. Now we are really up and running. The weather got even warmer today which led to some seriously fast skiing. Some of the boys crossed paths with Robin Bryntesson doing some intervals after his recent world cup weekend. He recognized Jack Hegman from when he was in Sweden a couple summers ago on Pete Phillips' Sweden training trip. He chatted with the boys for a bit, they seemed a little star-struck after! Tomorrow the Alaskans who have been here a couple days are going to do some intervals, hopefully not needing to dodge the tiny Swedes who have a race tomorrow! We ate lunch again in the restaurant on top of the water tower next to our apartments (see pictures) and tomorrow we are planning on venturing into town for some shopping and dinner. We will have kids update the blog starting tomorrow so you can get their take on the action!
The lights above are our apartments
The tower at night


1 comment:

  1. Looks like a blast! and there is some standard looking food. Good luck everyone!
